"Hey Nicky, guess what!"
"What?  Is mom coming?  If she sees us doing this..."
"No, it'll be at least another 10 minutes.  No, I heard about this thing
called a raffle.  What do you think it is?  A new toy?"
"I have no idea..."
"BOYS!! What are you doing on that desk??"
"Nothing mom..."
"Just cleaning it off..."
"Hey mom, what's a raffle?  Is it for us?"
"No silly, it's a sort of game.  There are prizes for the people who win,
and the money that is raised goes to a good cause.  The Rainin' Ferrets
raffle is trying to raise money for the hundreds of shelter ferrets at
Ferrets Unlimited and 24k Ferret Shelter in Las Vegas.  That's in
"You mean, we won't get the toys?  We won't get to spend the money?  How
can I win the prizes?  I always need things."
"Well, the shelter ferrets need things more than you guys do.  They need
things like food, surgeries, clean litter, and much more.."
"Mom, how can I win the prizes?"
"Well you would have to send a dollar for each ticket you buy, or if you
send in four dollars you get five tickets!  Then you can decide which
prizes to put your tickets for.  There is a huge ferret basket, with
toys, bedding, treats and much more.  Then there is a cat basket can a
doggie basket.  Something for everyone!"
"I want the ferret basket.  Sign me up!"
You can send a Money Order or cash, though we don't recommend sending
cash.  Sorry, no checks.  Send it to
Raining Ferrets
PO Box 1786
Los Lunas, NM 87031
Along with your name and address, where you would like it sent, should
you win, and your email address, so I can send you your numbers.  Your
numbers will be sent to you after payment is received.
You can also use Paypal and send it to [log in to unmask]  Sorry, I can't
take credit cards.  Thank you very much for helping the ferrets.
Thank you for helping!
~NM Ferret Club
Krista and her five fuzzy kids:)
Interested in saving the lives of animals?  Visit
http://www.veganoutreach.org/index.html or email me for more info.
[Posted in FML issue 4982]