There is a great LARGE sized bedding set on eBay lisyed by theFERRETS
eBay item .7703453257 To get directly there, go to eBay and cut & paste
the # in the search area
Julie is a personal friend in Oklahoma.  Many of her ferrets are "private
rescue" due to no shelter in her area.  Out of her own pocket she gives
all of the fuzz kids that cross her door excellant medical attention.
Her bedding is QUALITY.  The fleece is always of the best anti-pill , her
construction is durable and her items are unique in design.  The cube
will stand alone or can be hung All items have removeable hangers.
Please take the time to look at this item and if this set doesn;t suit
you , maybe consider a custom set.  Contact her at [log in to unmask]
Thank you.
Dooks and War Dances,
Leizann Michele Engelke
1086 River Rock
New Braunfels, Tx 78130
S.A.F.E.. Shelter
Ferret Merchandise
[Posted in FML issue 4952]