Ok I have to complain... how can they release the calendar with BABY
ferrets in it?  Aren't we addicted enough?  Now EVERY MONTH we'll be
looking at googly woogly fuzzy wuzzy ooh ahh cutie pootie ferret BABY in
2006?  That's like releasing a calendar of beer bottles for AA members.
Or a sundae of the month membership for a Jenny Craig member.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh the cruelty!  I'm trying to stay at seven.  Seven.  No
more.  The Seattle Seven.  It has a nice ring.  Seattle Eight... Nine..
Ten.... oh dear lord HELP ME!!!!
My name is Laura - and I am addicted to ferrets ("Hi Laura... we love you
Laura and The Seattle Seven (until 2006 and that blasted calendar!!!!!)
[Posted in FML issue 4952]