I wonder how many people in Ferretland have seen their fuzzbutts make a
kill of a feral rodent?  My Little Vinnie has killed both feral Mice and
a Norweigan Brown Rat AKA a sewer RAT.  By the time I knew of the fight
it was over except for the eating fo the brains.  That seems to be
Vinnie's favorite part to eat but when Shadow tried to get a chomp at the
belly it was like watching a small pride of lions eat the males eat first
then if there's anything left everyone else has a bite.  Well we didn't
let Vinnie eat the rat, God knows what kind of bad nasty things he could
have caught from it so Joe chased Vinnie under 2 beds and a book case and
finally after 1 hour of chasing he took the rat from Vinnie.
David Owings
Ferrets have a way of weaseling their way into your heart and once they
do they never leave and I wouldn't have it any other way.
[Posted in FML issue 4952]