Just a reminder.  Ferrets Across America's web site has a section for
shelter listings and for ferret vets.  We'd like to update both these
lists every 6 months, so if you'd like to have your ferret shelter added
(or know of a ferret shelter that would like to be added), or need your
current listing info updated/revised, please contact our co-director,
Kris at [log in to unmask]
If you would like to be added to the shelter page for your state, please
send the following info to the above e-mail addy:
Shelter name:
Director(s) name:
Location (city/state is fine)
Phone #
E-mail addy
Website url (if applicable)
Here is the link to our shelter page:
If you are a vet that would like to have your info added, or a ferret
owner that would like to add your vet's info, please send the following
to Kris:
Vet's name:
Clinic, hospital, or office name:
Phone #
Fax # (if applicable)
E-mail addy (if applicable)
Website url (if applicable)
The link to our ferret vet listings page:
And, if you have any questions, feel free to contact myself or Kris.
Nancy Propper
Director & Coordinator
Ferrets Across America
[Posted in FML issue 4951]