Sandee, would you please watch for and help Kelli find her way across
the Bridge, as she was blind when she left.  Kelli is a beautiful hooded
black sable, 9+ yrs.  old, who was helped to the Bridge yesterday
afternoon.  She doesn't know anyone at the Bridge, so please help her
make some friends.  She will have a sock baby with her.
Kelli came to me when she was two years old, after living in a garage
all her life.  She'd had very little human contact and no other ferret
contact, just living by herself.  She was terrified when she came to me,
and very possessive of her carrier full of wood chips that I dumped.  Of
all the toys here, she picked out a sock and that became her baby who she
fed, put in the litter pan, gave a drink to, took food to when out of the
cage and bathed.  When she got ready to go back to bed, she'd gather her
sock baby up and back they'd go to her new cage.  She became the most
loving, sweetest ferret and followed me everywhere.  I was never able to
integrate her with any of the others as she was terrified of them and
would attack.
About 4 yrs.  ago Kelli had bilateral adrenal surgery, with 10% of her
right adrenal remaining.  She did fantastic for awhile, then got
melatonin implants, with which she grew the most beautiful fur.  In the
past year she began to loose weight, the implants quit working on her and
she lost some fur.  When she got up Sat.  she was unable to use her hind
feet, having to drag herself around.  By Sun.  her feet were swollen, and
feet, legs and tummy looked like there were blood blisters where she'd
been dragging herself around.  She went very peacefully at the vet on
Sandee, please let Kelli know I love and will never forget her.  She
blessed my past seven years with her love.
Sandi in TX
[Posted in FML issue 4951]