i wanted to thank everyone who donated to Jean for my (Frankly)Freddie's
adrenal surgery...[and if you have a few more stray dollars...i am sure
she can still use the help for more surgeries...what shelter mom can't?]
his surgery was Friday...he is doing great...eating and drinking and
pooping like a champ...
it was his left adrenal...the right one, along with all his other organs,
looked healthy...
he was closed up with surgical super glue...so no messy stitches for him
to pull out...:)...or me to take out!...;-)
i let him out to play a bit yesterday...[when his krew was out...but all
were asleep]...he ran around for a while...but when he decided it was
time to curl up and go back to sleep...i put him back in the pen...there
he will remain for a couple more days...with supervised times out with
his family...
again... thank you all who donated to Jean for his surgery...i know he
will feel much better now...so will i....
kat and (Frankly)Freddie
p.s...and thank YOU, Jean, for getting it done...!!!!!!
Fuzzy Hugs & Whiskered Kisses...from The "Crochet-ty" Lady...
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[Posted in FML issue 4951]