The other day I was weary from all the work I had done that day.
12 seperate feedings.
I started this after the day in question, for that day I decided to try
putting them all in a container with shredded paper and plates with
chicken instead of them taking the peices of raw meat under my bed.
This plan of mine did NOT work well.  Nicky, I have discovered, is a
bossy, greedy, bratty ferret (who I love with all my heart 'wink wink')
who tries to take the meat before I even set it down.  And then he will
proceed to stash it in the nearest dark spot and if anyone gets near it
he will protest.  So this was my 'fiasco' night that I was literally
begging God to help me get through this, and I quote, "crisis".
Since then things have gotten cleaner, with 12 seperate feedings.  Two
agressive eaters may NOT eat together, and especially not a passive with
an agressive.  So my two passives eat together then my next three go in
separately.  Working quite well.
But that day I asked myself, "Self?  Why do you even bother with these
pesky ferrets?  What do they do for you?" And I went over to scratch my
Buddy's neck, which he loves.
Buddy went to his cute snuggly sack and turned around so his head popped
out.  He gently closed his precious little eyes and looked like a
sleeping angel.  As I stroked his gorgeous face I answered my first
question "This makes everything worth it..."
More reasons why I stick around?
-Ferrets don't judge you.
-They don't get mad at me when I forget to clean the litter box
-They make the cutest little faces and do the cutest little things/dances.
-They give me something to do. They give me some purpose in my life.
 They are my family. They are my kids.
-They don't call me names (to my face)
-They make the cutest faces
-They make me laugh!
-What else would I spend allllllllll this money on? :D
Krista and her five fuzzy kids:)
Interested in saving the lives of animals?  Visit or email me for more info.
[Posted in FML issue 4950]