[Moderator's note: Wow, there's been a lot of discussion behind the
scenes about the FML 5000th issue ever since Sukie announced this idea
here some weeks ago.  But for the most part, I've been a lurker in those
discussions, notm feeling the need to comment because I trust everyone
involved so much.  (And because I have no time to read e-mail anyhow.)
It's hard to name just a few people to thank for working out the details,
but besides Sukie, Judy Cooke, Linda Iroff and Brenda Johnson come to
mind immediately, as well as the rest of the SOS and the IFC.  I KNOW
these people have the interests of ferrets in mind.  And while I
certainly will be overseeing the progress of the countdown and perhaps
interjecting a message or two along the way, I can think of no group
of people more honest and hard-working to trust with this endevour.
So thanks to all, whether you've been here for a day or a decade (or
even longer)!  Sukie's post follows, unaltered and unguided by me.  BIG]
The countdown starts today!
Today, with only 50 issues of the FML to go till we reach FML Digest
# 5000, it is time to announce that Bill Gruber, the moderator of the
Ferret Mailing List who puts in so much work every day to bring us our
daily lists, has decided where he would like contributions to go to
help ferrets and to celebrate this special achievement.
The money will help ferret shelters.  Funds sent will go to Support our
Shelters and to the International Ferret Congress Emergency Love Fund
which supplies emergency funds to shelters when they face unexpected
emergencies such as hurricane damage.  Because Judy Cooke is on the Board
of Directors of both of these two established and well loved 501(c)(3)
tax deductible charities: the SOS and IFC, she will be tallying and
dividing the contributions.  For those newcomers who don't know her,
Judy Cooke is one of the most respected people in the ferret community
with years behind her of helping shelters, creating ferret health
symposia, and otherwise giving her time and labor to help all of us.
The reason that the donations will be collected in the IFC's name is
because its by-laws allow more flexibility in distributing funds so it
can make out a check to the SOS rather than vice versa.
To read more about these charities and their wonderful histories of
aiding ferrets please see:
Donations for FML 5000 can be sent to:
Judy Cooke
110 Jer-Be-Lou Blvd
Panacea, FL 32346
Make checks payable to International Ferret Congress, and please, note
on them that they are for FML 5000.
Paypal charges a fee to those who receive the funds.  It is 30 cents per
transaction, plus 3%, so for a $1 transaction that comes out to be 1/3
lost.  Since it doesn't take such a big bite of larger transactions if
would be best to keep donations that are sent through Paypal to at least
$5, but honestly, all contributions of any size are welcome.  Please,
remember this when you donate as well, because if you are trying to help
the sum reach a certain number then you may choose to add a dollar or so
to get there.
The Paypal address for donations is <[log in to unmask]>.
Please be sure to note on your Paypal donation that it is for FML 5000.
Did you know that in studies of internet communities almost no lists
reach over 1,000 members, and almost no large lists last over a year?
The survivability of the FML is so unusual that it is actually studied
by internet sociologists to find out what our wonderful moderator and
great community are doing so very right.
The FML 5000 project is such a wonderful way to celebrate the FML's many
years of serving the ferret community and to thank Bill Gruber for making
sure that we have the list each day!  We will get to celebrate one
achievement with another which will help ferrets and show once again why
we so deservedly are proud of our community here.  It is this type of
cooperation which makes us such an outstanding group of people!  Won't
it be great if we reach $5,000 or above in donations to help ferret
shelters?  We can, you know.
There are a lot of sister lists and daughter lists that spun from the
FML, as well as businesses which got their start here where people also
care enough that they also will want to celebrate by helping shelters,
so this announcement may be cross posted or sent to others in personal
communication as long as it is presented in its entirety and with no
changes made.
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives
International Ferret Congress where BOTH our FML moderator, Bill
Gruber and I are among the long time advisors (and Bill has also
worked in every symposium so far)
The only consistent member of the FML from its very beginning
[Posted in FML issue 4950]