We just received this communication formRobert ( Bert) this Am.  He is
hard at work already in the land of 100plus degree days!  Send him good
wishes and prayers..  you will note there is a small change in the APO
address - for those who would like to send hjim a card, lettter or
surprise box!
Bless you all- his kids are doing ok- they receive their next round of
Ferretonin implants this week!
Alicia , for the many faces at www.ferretwise.org
Hey Guys..........Just to let you know this will probably be the last
e-mail for a while.  We have a mission coming up and I will be away for a
little bit.  But I will e-mail as soon as I get back.  There is a change
in my mail, just a little one.  After the unit, well here is the full
address again.
SPC Robert E. Lynch,
HHC 1/172 Armor Bn,
2 BCT  28  ID,
Ramadi,  APO  AE  09362-9997.
OK hopefully there will be no more changes.  well, can't wait to here
from some of you.  I will talk later.
[Posted in FML issue 4945]