Hugs & Dooks to all!
I have never personally met Judy face to face, but I have through
numerous emails.  I want everyone to know that this is one compassionate,
kind, overwhelmingly helpful woman.  A while back I donated 12 slumped
glass pieces to ebay to be auctioned for a different shelter each month
so they would recieve the money to help out with their costs.  I asked
Judy Cooke and Heather W. (can't spell that last name!  Sorry Heather)
to help me out so it would be fair.  Judy, or Heather , never batted an
eye but stepped right in to help out a lady from Canada they had never
met.  I have the highest respect for people like that.  She is unselfish
in her time to SOS and the FML calender, among other things she does to
improve the lives of our dear ferret buddies.  To say that this women
is rude is beyond comprehension to me and I can assure you I take great
offense in hearing this about her.  Don't throw stones when your own
house is made out of glass!
To Judy, thank you for all your wisdom and help that you've given me,
thank you for all you've done to help our little fuzzbut friends, thank
you for being a kind and compassionate person, I'm proud to know you.
Kate & Spaz
[Posted in FML issue 4943]