Our Ferret Dad has traveled a long way in a short time - and from reading
on you will see he has finally reached his destination-- Iraq.  He is
tenting for the next two weeks when not out on maneuvers... and will
settle into a more permanent quarters when the company they are replacing
goes home.  I am sure Robert would love some communication form ferret
folks.  He is a very long way from home, family & pets.
Thank you all for standing by him and us as we provide care for his elder
ALicia, shelter Mom for www.ferretwise.org
Please check out our ebay auctions at:
Hi Guys !  I know its been awhile since I last wrote.  Can't call yet.
So please keep the e-mails coming.  I am not quite where we are suppose
to be.  A big sandstorm has blown in and we might be stalled a little.
Can't get any birds in the air if any medivac is needed.  So we stay here
until its clear.
doing ok, through some MRE's out to several kids on the way here.  Even
some bottled water.  Boy was there a change in scenery when we crossed
into Iraq from Kuwait.  Worse than our slums.  Its jaw-dropping.  I can't
even imagine living in those conditions myself.  But what better way to
get the peoples confidence than through the kids.  There were even a lot
waving as we went by.  But we are about halfway where we need to be.  The
worst leg of the journey is coming up.  Through Baghdad, then west.
It will probably be awhile before I can send any e-mails again.  Thank
You for the e-mails some of you have sent to me.  Please keep them
coming.  Its bad enough not able to see any of you, let alone talk to
you so e-mail is the 3rd best thing.  I can use all I can get.  Take
care, I Love You Guys.  Talk L8R.
" FerretWarrior"
SPC Robert Lincoln Lynch
HHC 1/172 Armor 2 BCT
  Task Force Saber
 " First Vermont "
and on 7/16
Hey All !
Finally got here about 5:00 am yesterday morning.  Drove all day and
night.  We finally went to bed at 5 then did'nt get up til 3:30 in the
afternoon.  WOW.  guess we were all tired.  things aren't too bad here.
liveable, doable, and all that stuff.  you now can use the mail address
that I sent you if you haven't all ready.  we will be in our perm.
barracks in a few weeks.  when the previous occupants leave.  we will
then go through and redo the whole building to our specs.  Of course....
would'nt expect anything less.
I have a way to check my e-mail until we move in to our building.  So I
will probably write every now & then.
The drive up was pretty quiet.  Even passing Baghdad and Falujah.  We
even went by Abu Graib prison.  Now, finally feels good not to move again
for awhile.  well, fer now anyway.  Well, I'll talk to ya all L8R.  Thank
You Very Much for the support you are giving us.  We really do appreciate
it.  Trust me.  being put in an area where everybody doesn't want us here
and getting hit 2 or 3 times a week.  And don't forget Brit & Robbie, I
Love You Very Much, More than you know.  OK, I've think I have been mushy
Take Care, Love Ya All.  BYE
SPC Robert Lincoln Lynch
HHC 1/172 Armor 2 BCT
 Task Force Saber
Camp Ramadi, Iraq
 " First Vermont "
[Posted in FML issue 4942]