I stopped reading the FML for about 4 months because of all the bickering
and flame throwing CONSTANTLY going on.  I finally decide to start
opening them up again...to find a big Rosie/Josie controversy (which
I don't EVEN want to get into...) but I skipped over that stuff for
many, many days, and NOW, Judy Cooke is rude?  She is attacking people
anonymously?  GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of all the people on the
FML to attack??  With EVERYTHING she does for SOS, which in turn helps
shelters in need, and who else here can REALLY say they do what she does
for ferrets, she is now a subject of flames and controversy??  I can't
stand it anymore...I will just be hitting delete for each FML for the
next 4 months or so, until you people decide to grow up and start using
this forum for it's intended purpose....THE FERRETS!!!!!!!
Kelly White
[Posted in FML issue 4942]