If anyone wants to cast healing thoughts/advice this way, I'd appreciate
it...I've got a sick weasel.  Razzle, my boy who almost died in December
from pyelonephritis has another UTI/bladder/kidney infection.  Nowhere
near as deathly ill as last time, but still sick.  And he's such a smart
boy!  He let us know just like last time that he was ill...we'd go into
the ferret room and he'd go right to the litter box and stand there and
stare at us, as if to say, 'Hello?  Look!  I can't pee!  Help me!' So off
to the vet we went yesterday.  $108 later, he's home and on antibiotics
for the next week or so, along with lots of watery duck soup to keep him
hydrated and flush his system out.
We're going out of town toward the end of next week for 5 days, and I'm a
little afraid, but the doc says he should be all but completely better by
then, and my mate's singer's wife will be coming to check on the 2 boys
here, and will keep Razzle at their house to give him his meds 2x day.
They have ferrets, too, so I trust them completely!  We have the same
vet, and so he knows Razzle and the other 2 boys will be in good hands
with her.
But I'm still worried.  He's older (about 7-1/2) and in not good health
anyway (adrenal disease, and not a surgical candidate) so any good
thoughts are much appreciated.
Once he's over this my vet wants to start him on Lupron.  I wish I'd gone
ahead with that before now, but I really thought it was more expensive
than he says it is, and not very effective, but he thinks it won't hurt
at this point.  Another reason I waited was I was also waiting to hear
about the melatonin implants...as an FYI, he recently came back from a
vet conference where that was one of the topics.  Apparently it's not
recommended.  Pretty much all the stories and research he and the other
vets heard and talked about were bad.  One ferret it seems didn't wake up
for 3 months after getting the implant...they had to have it hooked to an
IV to keep it from starving to death until it 'came out of it'.  Awful!
So if anyone has any success stories with Lupron, I'd like to hear them.
Thanks to everyone for your past and future support!  :)
~Sherrie, aka daoine o', the ferret queen
Razzle, Monty-boo and Sascha, all the boyz.
Still missing Dweezil, my one small star, along with
Sylvi, Loki, and Jezebel, my 4 girls over the Bridge.
[Posted in FML issue 4941]