>Subject: Broken tooth
>I have one little boy with a broken upper canine, not even half way up.
>Was wondering will this lead to something more serious later on?  It
>does not seem to bother him and I have no idea how he did it but I do
>want to keep an eye out for further problems if they could develop...
>Patrick and the Seven Dwarfs
I would like to ditto this.  Our Lupi also has a chipped/broken tooth.
We noticed it while clipping nails one day.  It doesn't seem to bother
him, but I don't want it to be slowly causing serious problems.
Thanks for bringing that up, and thanks for any answers that come back.
In Christ,
Ann Haager (& hubby - Adrian)
~Ferrets: Lupi, Dewey, Rainbow, Skittles, Calix, Pearl, Snap, Oreo,
Gandalf & Samweis
~~Rainbow Bridge: Xanth & Pixie
~Dogs: Shadow & Onyx
~Cat: Zoe
[Posted in FML issue 4940]