Admittedly, I am way behind (this was in the July 5 fml), but I wanted
to share an experience.
My first ferret was an older adoptee, Sammie, who got his own ferret
(Li'l Girl) at the pet store.  From June to December he was all she knew,
except for the stinky returned boy my daughter fell in love with at
another pet store.  We picked up Smokey at Thanksgiving that year and all
three were together for a month.  On Dec. 15, 1995 Sammie left for the
Bridge and it was only Li'l Girl and Smokey.
Li'l Girl went into depression.  She would do nothing but mope.  For 3
weeks Smokey lay beside her on the floor, just being there.  On day 22,
he took her by the ear and dragged her, nudged her and cajoled her until
she got up and played with him.  It was as if he was saying, *I know you
loved Sammie, but he is gone.  You have grieved for him and it is time to
move on.  Come, play with me and live your life.  Remember and continue.*
And she did.  I lost Smokey in 1997 and Li'l Girl in 2000.  But, I never
lost the lesson they taught me that cold January day.
Yes, grieving is normal.  Help him see the reason to go on.
renee :)
Ferret Aid 2006
June 23 - 25, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4940]