Just a note to say THANK YOU!  to all those who expressed how much they
loved the Byte-me stories on the FML and mostly for the support in my
time of loss.  Is the first time in nearly 7 years I have come home to
a 'ferretless' house.  Is not a good feeling for sure.
I have taken some very nice pictures of her lately and some have offered
to have one put in the calendar!  Many thanks for this kind offer, and I
have sent a copy of a great shot to Suki Crandal for this purpose.  Thank
you Suki and the secret funder of this !!!!
For now am cleaning the bedding, cage, rugs and all to be ready for more
ferts.  I have already contacted two shelters, both will give me at least
one, maybe two ferts to this a forever home.  Is more than sad to abandon
the company of my dear Byte-me but every ending is a new beginning,
hopefully I will bring a great future to other needy ferts!  DOOKS !!!!
Thanks again.
Missing Podo, Bud, Nibble-ed, Kodo and Byte-me
[Posted in FML issue 4939]