Getting a ferret who needs medical care to a vet before a problem gets
serious is NOT wasting the vet's time.  I so often hear from vets who
are heartbroken because someone didn't want to "waste the vet's time"
so didn't bring in an animal until there was almost nothing that could
be done.
Dental care to prevent decay, breakage, or gum problems is best.
If that can't be managed or fate doesn't work out that way then dental
care by a vet can prevent tooth loss, or serious gum disease or breakage.
If that can't be managed or fate doesn't work that way then dental care
by a vet for a ferret with some of those problems will prevent fistulas,
abscesses, bone erosion, sepsis, or distant infection carried from the
dental and gum disease.
Dental care is part of the normal vet care a ferret needs, just as we
humans have to care for our teeth or we'll lose them prematurely.
Don't be among those whose vets have cause to say, "If only they had
gotten to me when something still could have been done."
A lot of ferrets love to sleep in a litter box.  Put in some comfy
bedding and let them have one as a chosen bed.  After all, why not?
One less pot to empty and you have made them happy...
-- Sukie (not a vet)
Ferret Health List co-moderator
FHL Archives
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4939]