Byte-me was to be 7 in about 2 months.  She had a very large spleen and
her liver had grown to huge size.  She was very frail, an operation would
prolong her or maybe not, but I chose to let nature take it's course.
This morning Byte-me was too weak to get into her hammy so I helped her.
She licked my fingers as I set her into her favorite hammy and left for
work.  Yesterday morning before work I took her outside with me, she
explored a bit but came right back to me where she is blind and now not
happy about being outside with out my company immediately beside her.
Over the past few weeks I had taken some excellent photos of her.  Suki
Crandal said one belonged in a magazine, am so very glad I did took those
I knew she was weak and time was close.  At work I mentioned to a few
that also love animals that I stood a very real chance of loosing her,
they wished me the very best.
It was a raging thunderstorm coming home which is some distance from
my home.  The drive took much longer than I wanted but had to yield to
safety first, I would get there.
Upon getting home I put my brief case down and put away the things in my
lunch hopper, and went to see Byte-me.  She was laying in her hammy in
typical sleep posture so I did the 'come home' stuff before I opened the
cage.  Doing so she didn't move, not unusual.
I touched her, she was as soft as ever but didn't move so I picked her
up.  She had crossed the bridge while I was at work.  Devastation has
set in for sure.
I held her for a time, felt her that last time and then took her out
to rest with Bud, Kodo, Nibble-ed ad Kodo while a raging thunderstorm
deluged me with rain.
With the deepest of sadness and most heavy of heart I tell you my most
beloved Byte-me took the gold.  and then the platinum as she made way to
the bridge.
May she rest in peace, God Bless.
I will miss her most dearly.  I will miss opening the cage and going to
the commuter room to work and her coming to lay down at my feet.  I will
miss that warm lump under the bed spread where she slept with me.  There
is much more about her I will miss.  At least I did take those most
valuable pictures most recently.
Let there be life.
Missing Podo, Bud, Nibble-ed. Kodo, and Byte-me
[Posted in FML issue 4938]