Ferret Dad Robert is making the best of tour duty in Iraq.  He has sent
along a communication as he breaks camp.  Sending special greetings to
his two legged kiddos Brittany & Bobby!  If you have time try to drop him
a note- I am sure that mail form ferret lovers will cheer him on until
his return home.
Cindy & Randy at Fidget's House continue to keep up with the medical care
of his four elder Ferret Wise fosters.
Shelter Mom  Alicia
Hello all..............
another hot day here in hell.  things are ok I guess.  more nonsense than
common sense.  feels very uncomfortable.  this will probably be the last
e-mail from me until we get "home".  and greg, you are right on a couple
of things.  the heat, it hit 130 today.  almost unbearable.  with the
wind, it feels like100 degree heat being blown into your face.  OUCH.
and on the other.  can you blame him, especially with the conditions.
but true, it doesn't account for the behavior tho.  maybe a little time
away might help??????????
but anyway.  I'm glad Brit is keeping in contact with ma, Robbie......
please give Nana & Papa a call, ok.  even just to say Hi...and you are
still on the planet ok.  they miss you too.  even an e-mail.
But anybody interested in sending care packages, here is a few items that
we ca n definately use: baby wipes, snacks like slim jims or beef jerky.
would like to see some maple jerky too if possible, that spray that takes
away odors, not lysol can't remember the name, ma knows tho, also things
like soap,shampoo, toothpaste, etc.,etc., you get the idea.  little
things that matter.  but if you ship any of that, try to ship the food
separate.  bad things have happened when shipped altogether.  imagine
jerky tasting like deodorant.......yuckie.
ok, well, gotta go.  time is getting short here.  we will be moving on.
just remember, life is too short to waste away from family.  enjoy every
minute of it.  even if its 5 minutes.
Until next time...............................
SPC Robert Lincoln Lynch
HHC 1/172 Armor 2 BCT
  Task Force Saber
Camp Buering, Kuwait
 " First Vermont "
[Posted in FML issue 4935]