Just a reminder - the Ferrets of the FML 2006 Calendar Photo contest is
underway and the end of the month deadline is drawing near!
Twelve winning photo entries will be chosen by the SOS members to fill
the pages of the 2006 Ferrets of the FML Calender.  So far, there are
just a few enties, so it's time to get those pictures sent in!
I know everyone always waits until the last minute to send their pictures
in, but the last minute is approaching!!!  Let's get those cameras
snapping!!  I have people send me adorable pictures all the time in the
card exchange - let's get those sent in for this contest!  You could win
a chance to share those precious babies with the rest of the FML!!!
For a list of the complete rules to enter this contest, please visit:
100% of the profit from the sale of this calendar go to benefit Support
Our Shelters.  Last year SOS raised over $600.00 from the sale of the
So, let's get those entries turned in!!  If you have any questions,
please contact me or Sharon Bearden!
Judy Cooke
Support Our Shelters
[Posted in FML issue 4935]