Hewo agin!  Thees be Hummer cum bak wif me mom wit sum more stuf to do
for ur fewwets!
I take treats or ferret food that they don't get as part of their regular
diet and hide it in places around their room or the house.  I'll hide
several pieces together under the tent, the blanket, a food dish, in a
bed, etc.  They love trying to figure out where I've hidden the treats
and never know what's been hidden.  (Hummer hewe - me likes it when mom
hide stufs up high cuz me da best climmer & can git to it eziest!)
You can get the three plastic drawers (or more drawers) in a rack on
wheels at department or office supply stores really cheap.  They love to
climb in and out of these things and investigate what's in them.  They
even use it as another place to sleep.  I put different things in there
for them to play with or investigate.  (Dees be my 2nd, no 3rd favowite
pwace to sleep!)
You can use the plastic drawers from the above mentioned to put in rice,
beans or something similar for the ferrets to dig in.  (Me wants mom to
put dirt in but her wont.  [pouting face] Her says her not want to haf ta
giv 10 fewwets baths!  Me say her not haf to giv bath to me cuz I be vewy
I haven't done this yet, but many people have, set up a small sandbox for
the ferrets.  They apparently go nuts over it.  We use cat litter for our
guys and have them where they won't dig at it, so we're a little nervous
about letting them dig in sand.  (gosh darns it!  Mom not be tinkin of us
fewwets hewe.  Knows how much me wood wuv to dig in sand?  Ummm, awmost
as much as me wuv fweeze dwied liver tweats!)
There are styrofoam peanuts that are starch based and will break down if
they get wet, so you don't have to worry about them hurting the ferrets.
You can set up a play box with these and they usually love them.  Be sure
to set them up in a non-plastic box, otherwise the static electricity
will make the peanuts stick to the plastic box!  (Yeah, me twied to eat
one of dees tings.  Yuk.  Ptuiy.  So, me just had fun pwayin in dem.  Me
and me brudders & seesters [too meeny!] likes to dive in the peanuts.
And, and u know what else?  Mom weel thwow sum tweats in dis box too!
It be vewy fun to snorkel thwu dis stuff to find da tweats.)
Debbie Whorley
[Posted in FML issue 4933]