well hi hoominz!!!  dis be slinky!  i has been so tikked off i just
has to let de hole wurld no ryte now!!  mommy has done losted her
mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  it be wednesday mornin, right, she gets us all
up, loads us into de cage, puts us into de car and drives us into town
to de NNFN (ackleast dats wat cinny sed it wuz) she lets us out in dis
room den goes and gweets evvy othr ferret in de place den she brings one
in here!!!!!!!!!cinny and whoops like her right away, and i shows mommy
ezakly wat i tinks of dis den deres alot of scweamin fwom de hoomins and
i gets put 'way and so does she.  and no wat?  mommy done bwing dat fert
hi!!!!!!!!!!  dis be angie de new furkid in de house, de new queen:),
de new ferret diva in residence:)!!!!!!!!!  i is a lil cinammon-bandit
i can excape outta anyfin:) even a zippered ferret carrier and i is so
happy wif my new boyfriend in my new home!!!!!!!!  and i do have de
bestest ferret mommy ever, but i is de lil cute one:) not slinky!!!!!!!
hi this is mella!  please ignore the ferret's biased views!  we got a
beautiful new girl on wednesday.  she fits in with the two boys, but
she thinx of silnky as her mortal enemy.  still loox like she'll have
a great home with us!!!
well howdy!  dis be cinnamon!!!  (NOT cinny no matter wat de hoomins
sez!!!!!!!!) i is a cinnamon male and i loves angie alots!!!!!!!!!!i tink
slinky has gone cwaaaazyyyyyyyy not ta looooooove her she's pretty and
pretty cute and pretty pretty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi dis be whoops!!!!!!!!!!!!  ya no sable male 4yrs old adrenal?!?!?!?!?
CUTE SPOILED BUT NOT A BRAT!!!!!!!!!!!  umm... i no we has a new fert
aroond (or do we?!?!) but i hasn't seen her!  slinky would flip!!!!!!!
love and LOTSA DOOX, mell and business (slinky, angie, cinny, and
[Posted in FML issue 4926]