This is for any one who does'nt know the difference between a shelter &
a rescue.  A shelter is town, county or state run.  Drop offs & adoption
fees are manditory as they have people on a payroll.  A rescue is owned &
run by a husb. & wife, siblings or close friends.  Usually there is no
dropoff fee, & sometimes there is an adoption fee.  There are no
employies, but maybe people that donate there time to help out.  People
keep calling me a shelter,"IM A RESCUE", "NOT" a shelter.
As far as Ann saying I ignored the town's codes & rules, I can't ignore
something that does'nt exist.  There aren't codes & rules governing
"RESCUES" in my town.  If you want to know more about us, PLEASE
e-mail me.
[Posted in FML issue 4933]