To all who responded to my mailing about the ferret that got stuck in the
door of a supermarket, The mailing was placed more to point out that not
all owners are good owners, having been in the situation I felt rather
bad about some responses to the wonderful people who took in Rosie and
was trying to point out that sometimes the situation makes us make a
decision that we normally would not, I would seldom tell the owner that
the ferret had died, but this was a situation in which I thought the
welfare of the ferret was more important that the feeling of the owner.
But To all who asked, the ferret named Karel has made a full recovery,
the wounds have healed nicely and we are waiting for the fur to grow
back.  What always surprises me is that a ferret that has been so abused
often has the loveliest nature, as with Karel.  He is now a pampered
ferret who is giving just as much love as he is receiving.
I am glad I made the decision not to give him back to his former owner.
He has the right to a happy home and lots of love
[Posted in FML issue 4933]