I recently took in two ferrets from a woman who claimed to have "no time"
for the ferrets...but of course she loved them sooooooooo much.  They
had been in their cage eating cat food with no play time for at least 3
months....poor babies...she had been "trying to reach me to pick them
up" for at least one of those months.  Uhhhh...ok.  I can understand how
tough that is since she lives right around the corner.  I wound up going
to pick them up due to more "I've been trying to reach you discussions"
I frequent this person's place of business by the way.  When I let them
out to play at my place, well I have never seen such ecstatic ferrets.
One of them got in the dig box and boinged strait up into the air with
delight.  Interestingly enough they are both friendly , one is very
loving and likes to sleep in my bed.  His job is to help me "sort socks"
on saturday.  LOL...Sort through the basket of socks that don't match.
Hmmm.  wonder why that is?
Anyhoo, back to the point of my post.  Last week I ran into this person
again who now wants to adopt ferrets again...becauuuuuuuuse, she has
since left her husband (who was the prime reason the ferrets were caged
so much) AND she has a room of the house reserved now just for the
ferrets.  I can understand the husband situation, hell, I went through
that myself with my former ISO (Insignificant other) ....I kept the
ferrets and ditched him.  HAHAH  But my opinion is this: Bottom line is
she gave her ferrets up and I just don't know if I can consider adopting
to her because of this.  Am I right?  Wrong?  Anyone?  Major mixed
feelings here.  Shelter folks: What would you do?
Kim Fox
Animal Communicator, Medical Intuitive
Director of Somethin Up My Sleeve Rescue
Authorized Distributor of Timmy's Tonic
[Posted in FML issue 4930]