>From:    eri garner <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: GRRRr...
>Here is yet another eBay auction where people are selling their ferrets,
>and disguising it as a "Huge lot of ferret supplies..." -- for $299!!
>If you read the ad, it doesn't SAY that they are "selling their
>ferrets"... but they are "trying to find them homes" -- and they include
>pix of the little guys.  I've sent a note to eBay customer support...
Eri, let me know how eBay reacts.  That advert originally didn't say
anything about taking the ferrets, too.  When I emailed them they asked
if I would take their ferrets.  Without the ferrets, the stuff they are
selling goes NEW for about $360 but they declined my reasonable offer &
relisted their used stuff once again for $299 for another month.  So
its obvious to me they are selling their ferrets, not just the cage.
TWICE I suggested they contact 2 rescues in MD & post to FML but I never
heard so much as a "thank you for the info".
[Posted in FML issue 4955]