I have a ferret that has had insulinoma for about two years now.  He had
half of his pancreas and several visible tumors on his pancreas removed
two years ago and also begun Pred about that time.  He has done very well
until recently when his BG has dropped.  I have had to increase his Pred
several times.  Each time, his BG will rise but after a week will begin
to fall back down.  I am currently at 2.4 mg a day (half given in the
morning and half at night) and his BG is in the 30s (human glucometer;
actual BG is probably in 50s).  He was previously doing well at 0.5 mg
a day.
I have been told about Diazoxide (Proglycem) by a friend, but neither of
my vets has used this drug to treat insulinoma.  Has anyone had success
with this drug?  What dose did you start your ferret one?  Has anyone
had any success with another drug?
He is eating, playing, and appears to be enjoying himself.  He has
become very thin and has also recently become blind due to cataracts.
I estimate his age around 5 years.  He is also on monthly Lupron and
has had his left adrenal removed and his right adrenal cryod.
Any stories of personal experiences would be appreciated by posting or
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[Posted in FML issue 4921]