I laughed and laughed when I read your post.  I had a date, ONCE, two
years ago, and also had a ferret on meds.  SOO, I could not go to dinner
and a show, so I offered to cook dinner.  That way, I would be here for
the meds, then we could go.
The man arrived early, I was still fixing dinner, and I decided to round
up my ferrets.  Not everyone is used to having ferrets under foot.  I
couldn't find Zeke.  I had the potatoes all peeled, and cut small to be
mashed.  When I picked up my pot I cook my potatoes in, there he was,
all curled up in the pan sleeping.
OKAY - the pan is stainless steel, and easily cleaned, I explained he
was trained to use the corners not the pots, and no matter what I said,
he was not going to stay.  I had to be there for Zeke's meds at 6p.m.
so I could not leave.
He left saying things were so unsanitary, why wasn't I sick, did I know
where his feet, nose, and what ever had been???  Yep, I do, and that is
more than you can say for the person that made your sandwich the last
time you ate out.  Dook dook dook.
Dinner was good, I ate it myself, gave his share to the dogs.  If you
want to break up with your fellow, invite him to dinner, take a hair you
are not using and throw it in the pot.  Works every time.  Call it date
[Posted in FML issue 4907]