Hi guys, I have five ferrets.  My oldest, Fonzi, just died a few weeks
ago.  I adopted Fonzi and my female Zodiac together.  I recently adopted
another male who loves to play.  The problem is, I kept Fonzi in my room
for the few days before he left and I usually keep him in my room for
periods of time (my room is the ferret room).  My ferrets kept thinking
Fonzi was going to be in there.  I can't let them see his body because he
might've died from somthing contagious, possibly ECE.  Anyways, my
girlie, Zodi, just walks around almost entranced.  She just paces
everywhere and doesn't want to be touched by the others.  She hisses at
them if they touch her.  She has only dooked once in the past three
weeks.  She is my pro dooker!!  I always tickle her tummy and it makes
her dook, but not anymore.
What can I do??
Please help,
[Posted in FML issue 4898]