Need some healing thoughts right now...
Nibbles has been with Ferret Corner Shelter since 2002.  She came in
here with 3 boys that have all since passed on.  Dakota, Drake, Diesel
She went in for adrenal surgery July 6, 2004 only to find out it was a
right adrenal and due to complications with vets and stuff down here we
opted to NOT have it removed.  She would just live out her life here with
us and we put her on melatalonin.
Nibbles and her brothers came from a moth ball infested place.  she would
"nip" at you and LOVED to catch your face.  I can't tell you how many
times Shawns got bit.  She only did it out of fear.  But we just kept
loving her and holding her and playing with her.  We adopted her and two
of her brothers to another shelter that wanted to have them there with
them.  After a couple months and a surgery on Drake, we all decided that
we wanted them to come back here.  I was so glad to get them back.  One
brother, Dakota had passed away suddenly and Drake was sick with no
reasoning as to why.  He stayed for a couple months then we helped him
cross over when his time came.
Nibbles has been a single ever since.  And she's been pretty happy about
it.  She can keep her house however she wants and no one but use comes
in and messes it up!  She hasn't bit anyone in months.  and she only bit
cause someone pulled her out of the cage without letting HER come out on
her own.  Warned them she likes to wake up and come out on her own.  but
he didn't listen.  then held her to his face.  she just gave him a
reminder :-) he laughed and said it was his fault.
oh my goodness can this girl talk up a storm!
She is a Daddys girl.  Whenever she hears Shawns voice she thinks it's
time to get up.  She could really care less about me.  She wants her
daddy at all times!  What a doll!
After her brothers passed she was a single ferret.  We've only recently
introduced her to Bonnie who was another single.  Bonnie is like the
little sister you never wanted!  LOL Nibbles still get her free time away
from Bonnie and they don't room together.
Yesterday Nibbles was her normal self.  Running and investigating
everything.  no problems.
About 11:30 pm last night while we were doing cages I thought something
was strange.  I was in her cage vacuuming and she wasn't trying to get
out of her hammock and come out.  So I pulled her out and we knew
something wasn't right.  She had what appeared to be blood on her vulva.
I gave her to Shawn and got a warm face cloth to clean it off.  She laid
with Shawn most of the night.  with him crying the whole time.
He gave her to me and he got her carrier ready for me to take her to work
with me today.  She was very lethargic and pale.  We gave her some pain
meds and that seem to help (she would kinda cry a little once in awhile.
but not much).
We think that the tumor on her right adrenal gland has gotten worse.
Causing the blood in her urine.
I got about 3 hrs.  sleep last night and she is here with me now.  I am
going to the vet in about 45 minutes.  She is moving a little and lifts
her head up but she just doesn't look very good at all.  She is just over
7 years old..
Ok.  first.  the vets office has a new vet that I REALLY LIKE!  She has
a ferret of her own!  YIPEE!
Now onto the news.
The vet is thinking along the same lines as we were.  She has been
adrenal for well over a year and her body is now feeling the affects of
it.  Having your hormones messed up for that long takes a toll on these
kids.  She also can't rule out insulinoma, or lymphoma.  We didn't want
to have anything painful done to her.  Just wouldn't be good for her
right now.
She is doing a little better today.  moving a little and looks more
alert.  but not by much.  But because of this.  it isn't time yet for
her.  Hoping you are doing the right thing is so very hard.
The vet said she could stay overnight but I decided not to since there is
no one there in the evenings.  I don't want her to be alone.
So, they did fluids to hydrate her and gave her a shot to stimulate her
appetite.  She gave me some oral meds for antibiotics.  If there in no
improvement in a couple days then we know.
So.. Right now we are holding tight.. Praying for a miracle..
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 4924]