>How many of us wouldve done the same?  Taken in and adopted a ferret,
>known to be severly adrenal, and needing surgery that will, right off
>the bat, cost us AT LEAST hundreds of dollars??  The ones who made the
>cruel posts... would you have taken that ferret in?  Or would you have
>gone for the healthier appearing ones?  Ones that aren't going to cost
>you $500 right from the start?
I've taken in numerous ferrets that have cost me thousands of dollars a
piece in medical bills.  You wouldn't know about that though because I
don't ask to be patted on the back for doing it.
>The kind and selfless people who take in the sick ferrets, and give them
>all they've got, should be commended.
I would thank you but I don't take them in to be thanked.
>HOW could she send Rosie back?  Knowing she wouldnt get the surgery she
>desperately needed?
That surgery killed her.  Again, perhaps Josie's vet new better.  Not all
ferrets make good surgical candidates.
>And knowing she was being sent back to a hot, lonely, neglected garage??
Odd, there was no mention of a garage until after differing comments had
been made.
>Maybe the next time someone is out looking to adopt a ferret, they will
>think of Rosie, and won't bypass the sick little ones so quickly and
>give it a second thought.
I can assure you that whenever I adopt I will think of Josie, as well as
the family that lost her twice.
Karen McCabe
[Moderator's note: The Rosie complaining has gone on long enough now.
Our opinions are all worth airing as long as they are opinions which
are based upon facts rather than being motivated by personal squabbles.
I don't know exactly why the original post about Rosie was sent... but
it doesn't matter if it was for sympathy, information, or, as you say,
"to be thanked".  That post was entirely appropriate for the FML and I
encourage such posts -- they make the FML interesting and the responses
normally help us all to see things in different ways.  Unless, of course,
there are other motivations behind the responses as I mentioned above.
Please don't turn the FML into a conduit for personal "fights".  (Yes,
I mean that as a general statement, not necessarily about this!)  BIG]
[Posted in FML issue 4922]