Master Largo's News
July 2005
Reporter Andy
Cub-reporter Ziggy
Andy here: Okay I have had it!!!  Someone has got to come get this Ziggy
girl out of this shelter.  Not only do I have to share this news letter
with her, I had to sit in my cage all day clinic day and watch as one
human after the other came in to get that nuisance Ziggy up, to play with
her.  Did anyone come get me?  NO!  Not a one!!!  I heard mum say Miss
Kaleigh and Mr. Peter were looking for me but they did not look hard
enough cause I was right there in my cozy that Aunt Ret made me, watching
all the activity going on and NO ONE!  NOT ONE SINGLE HUMAN came to get
me up to play!!  Miss D.J. Mr. Harry Miss Kat, Mr Tommy, Miss Vicki,
Miss Donna, Miss Stacie, Miss Morgan, Miss Jill.  Even Miss Ret was in
the shelter all day working, did she get me up to play... NOPE!!  I could
go on and on and on with a list of names of shelter friends that camed
into this place that day and not a one camed to get me up and out of my
cage..  HUMMMMMM you gotta believe me, there is some kind of conspiracy
going on and it is that Ziggy girl that is behind it!
Ziggy here: OHHHH PLEEEASE!  Andy this is not news!  All you do is
complain, whine and cry about this and that, do you think anyone wants
to hear you whine and cry?  NO!!  They want the news..  REAL NEWS not
what you seem to think is news.  YOU ARE NOT NEWS.  Now get on with it
or I am going to tell mum and she will let me tell ALL the news.
Andy here: See?  What did I tell ya?  That Ziggy girl has mum wrapped
right around all 4 of her paws!  Okay news time; "according to Ziggy"!
Back on 6-9 Miss Donna tooks Fred to see our favorite Doc to have
insulinoma surgery, Magic fingers Doc and Miss Pat brought Fred home on
6-11 clinic day for mum.  There was lots and lots of activity going on
here at the shelter the whole week of clinic, the Sunday before Miss
Nichole and Mr. Eric camed to help mum around the shelter, Miss Nichole
got some of the cages that have been donated to us cleaned up put
together and wrapped with stretch wrap to keep it clean, took some dirty
stuffs home to wash in her dish washer.  Mr. Eric helped mum get tents
and screen houses put up then he opened up some can bags for mum and put
them on a tarp.  Mum don't like snakes and snakes like to sleep in the
bags.  Anyway Mr. Eric said he did not find any snakes... Mum was real
happy.  The next day mum and sis had to take all the tents and screen
houses down because we were having a storm and the wind was blowing them
down to the creek.  Then Miss Jill, camed with the canopy, grill and
stuff for clinic Friday 6-10 to get that up.  Mr. Jim came later Friday
night with his canopy to set his up.  Mr. Harry Miss Ret, Miss DJ, Miss
Kat and Mr. Tommy was already here on Friday.  Clinic day had lots of new
people here, but it was so so hot the fur kids had to be brought in to
the house for the cold machines to cool them down, they could not play
in the tents or play yard because it was to to hot outside.  We had lots
of food, some mum could even eat some mum was not suppose to eat but she
did anyway, lots of fun in spite of the hot weather, and met lots of new
friends.  Our Aunt Mary did not come clinic day this year..  I think she
don't loves us any more.  The Dog bed was won by Donna D.  The raffle
table was manned by Mr. Harry; thanks Mr. Harry for helpen Mum do that!
The raffle baskets were won by:
Nancy A. Kat P. (mum has not mailed it yet Miss Kat) Mary B. Pat N., DJ,
Kaleigh, Pepper, Peter, G.P.  The 2 free subscriptions of Ferrets
Magazine (compliments of Ferrets Magazine) were won by Linda W.  and
Nichole T.  We had a basket of crazy Crochet eggs for count guessing..
Mr. Mike won that.  Miss Sis brought us lots and lots of frozen water
bottles to keep them fur kids cool.  Now keep in mind I only knows all
this stuff because mum tolds me, it is not like I GOT OUT OF MY CAGE
Ziggy here: Honestly you are a chump Andy... you whine and cry about not
getting to get out to play clinic day, but who got to go to school and
ride the big yellow thingy that mum drives with the kids on it the last
day of school?  Did I?  NO!  NOT ME!!!  You Mr. Complainer!  You got to
go ride the school bus with the kids... you got to be held and petted and
loved on by 15 school kids..  NOT that I would know that because I did
not get to go..  HUMMMMMP now what do you say to that smarty pants?
Andy here: just ignore her maybe she will go away.
Cocoa #55 on 6-15, the last of mum's NJ Christmas rescues earned her
wings she had insulinoma for some time, was just back in to see Doc about
2 weeks before for another BG.  Saturday clinic day when Doc was here he
diagnosed her with congestive heart failure.  We got her on lasix but
this morning when mum got up she had earned her wings during the night
sleeping in her hammock.
On 6-19 Miss Donna and Miss Cathy came to help mum in the yard.  Beku
went to live with Miss Nichole and Mr. Mike but she was so so sad she
wanted to come back to mum and the shelter she got sick so they brought
her home to mum.  She is getting better now.  Mum got pictures of Rocky
and Trouble from their new home.  Mum says they is looking so happy.  We
have had campers already this summer; Tim Cordice was here for several
days.  The Robinson kids are here now.  Mr. Harry is putting our camp
pictures up on that link that the clinic pictures are on.
Ziggy here: Andy can you drag this news out any longer?  I mean come
on; I have some things to tell too and you and your jabbering is taking
up space I could be using.  Will you please get on with it, I want my
turn!!!  Like Miss DJ and Miss Morgan came to clinic and they played with
me lots, got me out of the cage to hang out with me.  Miss DJ stayed with
us for a couple of days, she found and bought mum a cook book that mum
can use to make food she can eat.  Then she took mum to dinner before
she left to go back to Florida.  She loved on me lots and lots.  Ha!  I
got more hugs than that crabby complainer Andy did.
Andy here: Hey Ziggy I am not done with the news what are you doing?
Ziggy here: I am telling the rest of the news that is what I am doing,
now let me tell it before mum tells us both we need to be done.  Miss
Donna tooks Bandit III to see our favorite Doc for mum on the 6-23 he
needed insulinoma surgery, Doc found he had a bad adrenal gland so he
tooks that too.  Miss Kaleigh and Mr. Peter brought him home for mum
on 6-24 Mum says you need to go look at our web site and read important
information about the pool.  That is a real important message.
Andy here: Okay I am going to finish this letter Miss Bossy Ziggy!  Mum's
watch broked, we was all loving that mums watch broked, but Miss Donna
came over one day with a new watch for mum..  Man Miss Donna why did you
do that?  Don't you know that when mums watch was broked she would forget
to move us kids to the next play room and we would get extra time out?
Why did you do that now she is on time and she gets us moved from room
to room just like she did when she had the other watch.
Ziggy here: See there you go again complaining.  What is wrong with you
don't you know people do not like complainers..  Always unhappy about
something..  You need to stop complaining!  Mum needs the watch to make
sure we ALL get time out to play not just YOU!!  She needs to know what
time it is to make sure Fred and Bandit get their soup on time.  So STOP
complaining.  Now we both have to say good bye it is time to close this
news letter for this month.
Until Next Month;
Andy Senior reporter
Love and trouble
Ziggy from New York
Lakeroad Ferret Farm Rescue Shelter
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Official Spokesperson and Vendor Coordinator
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4921]