Sent to Wolfy.  Wolfy wrote:
The noises grew louder and louder.  Her tiny, black, beady eyes glowed so
slightly in the darkness of the burrow as she peered through the opening.
An occasional ::blink blink:: could be made out as she blinked her eyes.
What was causing the odd noises finally came into her view.  That's when
she saw a grumpy old creature that looked like a souped up version of a
ferret toddling along.  And he was coming straight for her!
As he approached the burrow, he noticed her blinking eyes.  "Who's in my
home?  You get out!"
Christianaferret was so scared she made a U-turn right in the burrow and
stuck her tail up into the air as she snuggled her treasure close to her
chest and closed her eyes.  The creature replied to the action, "I can
still see you!  Come out ... come ... Uuuuuugh what is that smell?!  What
did you do?!"
Christianaferret realized that a sudden aroma filled the hole.  "Did that
come from me?" she wondered.  Just then voices from her chest answered
her question.  "The power of the poof is yours within," they said.
The creature outside of the burrow shouted, "What?  What's that you say?
That's it.  I've had it." Just then he grabbed Christina ferret by the
back end and drug her out of the hole.  As he was tugging her out, she no
longer was frightened but indignant over the presumptuous beast.  In her
anger she raised her tail and poofed a mighty poof!  The large mustelid's
eyes bulged and his face froze.  He fell to the ground like a great tree
falling in the forest as his eyes rolled back into his head.  Boom!
Christianaferret broke out into the greatest wardance ever danced.
Around and around his body she went.  Dooking and dancing, dooking and
dancing, dooking and ... that's when the great beast came to.  With a
big scratch to the ground with his large paw he grunted, "The nerve of
you invading my house and then ... then ... ugh, how dare you!"
Christianaferret then asked him who he was.  "Why I'm a wolverine.
What planet are you from?" She explained that she was frightened by
some strangers and took refuge into his burrow.  Then she apologized
immensely.  She proudly proclaimed that she was a "fair-it" in her tiny
dainty voice and that her name was Christianaferret.  She was quite
proud of her newly found power, and stood there polishing her nails onto
her chest, and grooming her tail with her teeth.  The wolverine squinted
his old eyes and replied in a crotchety voice, "Fair-it my stripes.  No
ferret can poof so mightily.  Not one that I've ever known."
Christianaferret just smiled to herself and thought that she must have
stored up all her poofs from her life, and that is why they are so
powerful.  She never knew she could poof before.  Nobody she knew poofed
in the castle after all.
"Well, Wolvey, I think I better get going.  I need to get something
that I left in your home though." The wolverine objected and tried to
chomp-chomp her butt, but all she had to do was bottle-brush her tail
and lift it high into the air as fair warning.  Then she was able to
snatch the chest out of the burrow.  She waved good-bye to Wolvey, and
he replied with a great, "Hmmf" to his unwelcome new friend.  Off into
the woods she went ... be continued....
[Posted in FML issue 4917]