Because my life is in such turmoil, when I posted that I was letting
Saraferret take my ferrets, I didnt mean I was going to have them put to
sleep, I could never do that, they are like my own 2 legged children to
me.  I didnt say it well and I apoligize, I meant saraferret's - poster.
I'm sorry, my mind is just going in several different directions at the
same time and things are not coming out the way I mean them.  Forgive me
for giving anyone the wrong impresson.  Their lives are worth so much to
me, I could never hurt them.  I am their 2nd home and I am stressed out
that they will be stressed out about moving, I dont want them to get
ulcers or anything, I have so many things to worry about now, so please
forgive that I didnt articulate very well what I meant to say.
"Ferret-Proof isn't"
[Posted in FML issue 4917]