Dear Ferret Folks-
I second Risa's idea about sending in a dollar for SOS for issue #5000,
or maybe a dollar per ferret if you can afford it.  (Some of you out
there are so deep into ferret math that your donation would equal that of
a small equatorial African nation's entire military budget for the year.
Some of you are keeping the California Rasin Grower's association in
business almost single handedly.  Some of you apparently just can't
count, or maybe you are AFRAID to count the total number of ferrets you
have, because the number itself would be too intimidating.  You are in
As for BIG taking the day off, I'll believe it when I see it.  I'd rather
hear about HIS ferret (ferrets?) on day #5000.  Does BIG even have
ferrets?  Does he just moderate because that's as close as he can get,
his Mom won't let him have one?  She should let him have one, he's been
good.  Probably.  I think he'd take good care of it.  We could tell him
Alexandra in MA
PS Ping ate a wasabi pea yesterday.  He said to tell your ferrets not
to do that.  It made his nose run.  He couldn't even smell himself for
an hour.
[Posted in FML issue 4915]