I'm in for the $1.00 per fuzzie!  What a wonderful way to commemorate the
5000th issue!  I've noted before that if I had the means, I'd be 'up to
my eyeballs in ferret peeps and poops'.  I admire what everyone does for
our furry little companions, and I believe a special place in heaven is
being held for all of our shelter, rescue, and foster moms & dads!
Most of you don't know me as I've never posted before, but I look forward
to reading your posts every day!  I've met Brenda, Dee, Leizel (forgive
my spelling), and a few others through your websites and links!  I love
to shop for my babies (and me)!  I have spent many a tear-filled moment
here reading of fuzzy passings, and many laughter-filled afternoons
reading of our little friends' funny antics!  It still amazes me daily
how these little creatures get our hearts so wrapped up around them!
I had only Ziggy and Chloe until recent events.  A co-worker's son & wife
(both vets) are moving to Ohio, and didn't want to add any trauma to
their little guys lives.  So I told them that we would love to adopt
them!  It was gut-wrenching for all of us when they brought them to me (I
cannot imagine what I would do in that situation), but the babies get
along fabulously!  Peanut and Raisin have settled in well, and are now
part of our 'clutch'!
Anyway, my apologies for the long introduction...I just wanted you to
know that I'm here, and look forward to participating in the fund-raising
for the FML 5000!
Bill, a special thank you, for you are truly amazing!
Angela Griggs
Ziggy, Chloe, Peanut and Raisin
"Do the War  Dance like Nobody's Watching!"
Alpharetta,  GA
[Posted in FML issue 4915]