Let me just tell you that most of my fuzzies (with the exception of my
deaf fuzzy and my Oliver boy) go nuts with the squeakys.  I have two
fuzzies who prefer me to squeak their Rik-E-Tik-E snakes and they come to
me and calmly take their prize and stash it.  One of them along with my
"monster boy" attack me whenever I squeak any other toys.  Which is very
hard not to do, except when monster boy gets near me I know it's gonna
hurt, bruise, and probably draw blood, so I try to be quick to grab him
before he can grab me.  All but my deaf girl respond at least in some way
to it, usually coming out of hiding, but for Oliver that's about it.  So
I would like to know if it hurts their ears too, or if they just go nutso
with the sound?
[Posted in FML issue 4910]