Here is a sample letter to send to manufacturers of treats or foods that
contain potentially dangerous ingredients.  In a separate post, I will
be sending the contact info for some manufacturers and a list of some of
the products _I_ am concerned about.  Not all manufacturers and products
are included, sometimes because I couldn't find contact info.  Sections
below marked with [ ] can be customized, and feel free to rewrite in
your own words (varied letters are more effective than form letters).
I am writing because of my concern that some of the products you
manufacture for ferrets may be unhealthy, inappropriate and potentially
As I'm sure you are aware, ferrets are primary, obligate carnivores.
They have no demonstrated need for carbohydrates (especially sugars)
or fruits and vegetables.  In fact, high levels of carbohydrates in
both food and treats might be a contributing factor to the high rate
of insulinomas seen in ferrets, and pieces dried fruit and vegetables
are known to have caused blockage problems, sometimes fatal.  I am
particularly concerned about your treats [and foods] that contain pieces
of dried fruits and vegetables, and treats that are primarily sugar,
such as [list specific products here].
Many ferret owners are not aware of these issues when they buy products
for their ferrets.  They see a picture of a ferret on the label, and
assume it is healthy and safe.  Also disturbing is that some retailers
display "small animal" products, designed for rabbits and rodents, in
their ferret sections.
I hope you will consider reformulating your ferret products to remove
pieces of dried fruit and vegetables, and eliminate those treats that are
primarily sugar-based.  I know you want to make sure that your customers
do not buy anything dangerous for their beloved pets.
Linda Iroff
International Ferret Congress
[Posted in FML issue 4909]