a new star in the sky...
what a horrid night.
i got home from work about 11:00 and found a dead ferret in the cage. :(
jezebel, my little bitey-brat, my pixie-face girl, barely 2-1/2, is gone.
my other half just played with them all about 3 hours before and they
were all fine.  i just got back from taking her body to the emergency
vet.  i'm not quite up to accepting this just yet, when it hurts my
stomach so much to cry; this soon post-surgery.  (i just had my
gallbladder removed last friday, and i'm still having more than a bit
of discomfort.)
it looks like an acute spleen trauma (i don't remember the exact term the
vet used), where her spleen became acutely enlarged, and then somehow
became twisted or torqued, and cut off the blood supply.  a freak thing;
nothing i did wrong or that could have been predicted.  she's also
slightly jaundiced, the vet's also thinking possibly juvenile lymphoma
(or it could be from the blood issue with the spleen), but i'm
unfortunately not in the financial position to pay $300-400 to have her
opened up to find out that, indeed, it was one of those two things.  (i'm
still trying to figure out how to pay for my surgery, and the time lost
from work; i can't even take tomorrow off to mourn).
the vet said a necropsy probably won't find anything more remarkable
than what he could tell by examing her, so i'm just going to let her go
in peace and have them keep her in their cold storage until i can take
her to my regular ferret-vet monday for cremation.  (the emergency vet
charges twice as much.)
so now there are 3.
~sherrie, aka daoine o', the ferret queen
razzle, monty-boo, and sascha; the new boy everyone wants to kill
(especially jezebel.  guess i won't have to worry about that anymore.)
~still missing dweezil, my one small star~
[Posted in FML issue 4905]