Our Benjamin is a late neuter.  When we rescued him from the pound he was
still a hob.  We wanted to let him get used to us and settled before we
arranged his surgery.  A whole hob is a whole lot of fun!  He marked our
shoes and rugs...he was one stinky boy!  But he has never been really
aggressive due to being a late neuter.  He will strike at you if you
startle him, he is also blind.  Than has gotten me bit a time or two,
trying to pick up a sleeping Ben.  Now I talk to him before I tough him.
He still might be asleep, but it seems to help him to anticipate being
touched and there hasn't been any trouble.
It sounds as if the issue might be the rubber gloves.  Years ago when we
first rescued Dunkin, he would freak out about gloves of any sort.  That
lead me to think he has been abused or roughly handled while someone was
wearing gloves for protection.  My husband is a motor cop, so gloves are
a part of the uniform.  He learned quick not to pick Dunkin up when he
came home as long as the gloves are on.
Good luck with the boarder.
[Posted in FML issue 4900]