Hi Ferret Lovers!
Okay, a little back ground info here, and then I appreciate all opinions!
My ferret who is a little over a year of age became severely ill in
December.  Visible symptoms included seizures, weight loss, and lethargy.
Initial diagnosis was cancer, either multi myeloma or juvenile lymphoma.
Blood tests initially showed a protein level of 16.7; everything else was
in normal range.
Valium was used to control seizures and prednisone for therapeutic
He went along doing fairly well, considering.  Not getting better, but
going down hill very gradually.
Current visit and blood test results.
X-rays showed enlarged organs, spleen is severely enlarged; also the
liver and one kidney also enlarged.  He also has fluid around his heart
and in his lungs.  Blood test showed a spike in WBC and mildly anemic.
Protein level was down to 12, protein mainly consisted of globulins.
Only one lymph node that has shown any problems, which is located under
back corner of jawbone.  Weight loss 100 g.  Current diagnosis;
Disseminated idiopathic myocytis.
I would appreciate any info or suggestions that anyone might have.  All
and any opinions would be appreciated!
[Posted in FML issue 4895]