Studies on DIM/Mystery Disease continue.
Dr. Katrina Ramsell who has doctorates in both veterinary medicine and
pharmacology is studying medical approaches for the illness.  She will
speak on this topic at the up-coming AFA conference.  See:
Although there are two ferrets who are considered "possible survivors"
those ferrets did not have the needed pathology done to be sure that
they did not instead have one of the other illnesses with a similar
presentation.  The treatments used for them have not had success for
others (as per recent pers.  coms).
Doctors Matti Kiupel and Mike Garner are cooperatively looking at yet
some other possible causes of this terrible illness, and have been aided
in their effort by a grant from the International Ferret Congress (IFC)*.
Dr. Garner will speak at the IFC Ferret Aid 2006 in Toronto, a symposium
created and hosted by the Canadian branch of the IFC.
[Posted in FML issue 4898]