Ode To The Shelter Mom
Shelter Moms take to their hearts
Those hungry, wandering strays,
Those voiceless little creatures
Someone else has thrown away.
They care for them, they give them love
They hug them every day,
But sometimes they're beyond her help
And quietly slip away.
She keeps their little faces
Tucked away deep in her heart,
And one day many years from now
From this world she will part.
You've heard the thunder in the skies
While the sun is shining brightly,
Or it may be in the winter
When the snow is falling lightly.
That was not thunder that you heard
But a thousand little feet
Running across the Rainbow Bridge
Their shelter Mom to meet.
They rush into her waiting arms
She hugs them everyone,
While the world stands still and questions
Why there's thunder with the sun.
Now you know.
Marilyn Ledoux from Ledoux Hospice
Working under
Ferretwise Rescue and Rehabilitation
Marlborough, NH
Happy Mothers Day
[Posted in FML issue 4871]