OK, I'm bad as HELL at remembering names....i hardly remember my own half
the time....I think I only do because I sign checks.......LOL!
We volunteered together, we sat together, we SMOKED together..........
Would you please write me at [log in to unmask]  I don't want to lose
contact with you.  Besides, I have a "slideshow" CD to share.......and
I did get some good ones........
Also, for everyone else, within a few weeks Dr. Fitzgerald's comedy
routine will be up on the Internet at Ferrets United, with his
permission.  This from when he graciously came to Salt Lake City to
support a local "working animal" organization.  The man is seriously
warped, hysterical, and kind.
But then we know that...... I will also have my "take" on the symposium.
Great fun folks.....but don't feed beer to the skinny broad next year...
LOL!  My own fault!
Behind The Zion Curtain
"You have all the equipment, you just need to read the manual"
- Elle Woods
[Posted in FML issue 4886]