HI Jen and FML readers,
I am not sure why you took some offense to Wolfy's post.  the truth is
neural crest disorders ( your deaf ferret has those markings from your
post.."my deaf ferret isn't a panda or a blaze, she has some grey on her
head, but no real white stripe on her head, most of it is white, but
she's got some very light grey parts on her head.  .." Jen states "
People don't abuse deaf ferrets because they're deaf.  " NOt KNOWINGLY
they don"t but unknowingly they MAY!
employees ( several different stores in several different states) s no
less.  ASK ANYONE who has met Jerimiah..  HE has been in SEVERAL shelters
before FerretWise-- and he now has sanctuary here-- but anyone who picks
him up other than myself GETS BITTEN.  HE has a fear of people after
being smacked and smacked and smacked because he nipped.  Try explaining
to him that was forgiveable becasue the people did not know he could not
hear.  ANd try explaining to the lawyers and insurance company if you
adopt one of these ferrets out that you, ( either rescuer or organization
representattive) are not to be held responsible for adopting a ferret
out with a known behavior problem.  Many folks could or would lose their
livelihood over this.  This is WHY IN SOME CASES sanctuary is needed for
these deficient ferrets.  Ozzie will be one.  The fact is most people who
buy a ferret in a pet store are relatively new to ferrets-- otherwise
they would be checking out other options like shelters or breeders.
These first time owners do NOT usually have the education that any of the
list readers have... because this IS a new pet.  Thus it leaves a hearing
deficient ferret AT RISK for abusive situations.  That is all plain and
LET ME CLARIFY the original post on Ozzie who will be arriving tomorrow
at our shelter as it seems the discussion has travelled a bit off center.
Ozzie was one of a small group of Marshall Farm ferrets which arrived at
a NH petco store.  It is reported that several of the store employees had
difficulty handling him, he bit and was deemed a "BAD" ferret at the
store.  THUS entered the person who purchased him.  She acknowledged that
she was willing to work with Ozzie and had a number of ferrets already
and offered to purchase him.  The manager sold him at a special price -
he reduced the cot to $75.00 because she was willing to purchase him.
NOW this woman has several YOUNG children.  Ozzie intimidated one from
the first bite.  Determined not to give up she kept him and tried to work
with him.  He continued to bite the child, drawing blood, leaving marks &
It IS A FEDERAL LAW for school personnel to make reports to officials
when harmful is suspected of a child - this is the basis of CHILD
WE ARE ALL REASONABLE -- or should be,.  When the child arrived on
several occasions at school after being bitten- the school personell
were BOUND BY LAW to report the probable neglect to the child.  THUS
Ozziie NOW HAS a VERY BIG Problem.
[Posted in FML issue 4885]