Scott: "Look at Rocky. He sure looks tired."  (shooting me a sly glance)
Me:    "Yaaah, but that's okay.  He's just getting old.  Old ferrets get
Sean:  "Don't say that!  Don't say he's old!  He's not, he's not old."
[Me backing off]
A friend pointed out that she can see the wheels in Sean's mind turning.
I thought Sean had approached a denial sort of thing.  But perhaps he
hasn't suggests the friend.  She thinks that the reality is setting in,
and that he now understands the full concept of what is to come.  So
therefore he is asking us to back off in his own way.  I just hope that
Sean isn't equating old age with illness.  He already has corrected me
on Rocky's age.  Is he putting two and two together that maybe Rocky is
getting "sick"?  No.  We're not there.  Believe me.  Hopefully, he will
never do that.  And as long as Rocky acts as content as he does, doesn't
waste, etc, he won't.  And I'm not going to let him.
Euthanization.  How do you make that choice?  That depends on three
things.  The owner.  The animal.  The situation.
The owner.  Our family believes in mercy shots.  We will not watch such
a magnificant animal who lived a life time with the up most dignity
loose it.  I won't let Sean see him in that way.  He is young and is
The animal.  Rocky is frail mentally.  I have to consider that, and not
let him fear his last days.
The situation.  Rocky has a fatal disease.  He's not going to rebound
once he goes down that steep slope.  The illness itself brings suffering
in the long run.
In the past I've wondered if I jumped on euthanization too quickly with
a couple of my pets in the past.  I've also wondered if I waited to late
on others.  One thing is for certain.  I only regret the ones I waited
too long.  I'd rather wonder if I did it too early then to let my pets
suffer, and to live with that fact and horrid memory.
Thank you for all of the wonderful information about euthanization.  It's
really helped.  And it will help Sean.
Meanwhile, you all helped me bounce back from a bit of depression about
this.  I'm sure it will be an up and down thing for me.  But I'll be
okay.  And in part that is due to many of you.  Speaking of "dignity" ...
have you ever seen a poor ferret with flowers stuck all through his hair
on his head?  Poor Rocky.  lololol.
[Posted in FML issue 4885]