I take some offense to what Wolfy said in the following statement about
deaf ferrets:
>Number one is that no matter what the cause of deafness is/was in a
>ferret, if the purchaser does not know about the deafness (and I don't
>know of a single pet store that announces they are selling you a deaf
>animal of any species), then that ferret is subject to abuse.  Newbie
>owners (which the bulk of buys babies in pet stores) are especially
>prone to this and they do not understand their special needs.  Owners
>often try to teach the ferret to "come", and the word "no", etc.  Just
>like we see in people (Renee Downs can explain this much better than I),
>when someone doesn't hear, they are perceived as "not listening".  And
>they are then punished for "not listening".  Even if they are not
>disciplined at all for "not listening", the mere agitation of the owner
>and tension is not good for the animal.  I've yet to meet someone who
>has not researched this subject online or with their local shelters,
>know that ferrets can be deaf.
First of all, I had two ferrets before I ever got my deaf one.  I had
gotten my first ferret a month prior to getting my second, and about 5
months prior to getting my deaf ferret.  I had read all that I could read
about ferrets, and my deaf ferret isn't a panda or a blaze, she has some
grey on her head, but no real white stripe on her head, most of it is
white, but she's got some very light grey parts on her head.  Anyway,
It never occured to me that she could be deaf until I had her home and
caught her "snooping" in the cat's litterbox.  She didn't know I was
there until she turned around and she let out a shout (it was really
loud) and I had scared her because she didn't hear me behind her.  I
have never abused any of my ferrets, or any other animal for that matter.
As soon as I realized she was deaf, I started to doing more research.
I wanted to know how I could train her better to stop nipping, and to
go to the bathroom in the right spot (she still prefers right next to
the litterbox), and I would get another deaf ferret in a heartbeat.
Defective my ass, I know it's a breeding defect, and it doesn't make any
difference to me.  Would I necessarily choose a ferret because of the WS
markings, no, but I wouldn't throw them off to the side for that same
reason either.
People don't abuse deaf ferrets because they're deaf.  Yes, it was damn
frustrating training her, but she is the sweetest fuzzy, and the most
tolerant of me wanting to snuggle.  And I have a hearing fuzzy who is the
baddest in my group of 7, and it doesn't make a difference that he can
hear me.  He does what he wants and he's so darn persistent.  He's a
ferret, plain and simple.  The fact of the matter is that people should
do their research into any pet before deciding to get one.  The other
fact of the matter is that there are always going to be people who don't.
I even thought maybe the petstores who sell ferrets could supply people
with information about them, cost summaries of owning a ferret, diseases
frequently seen in ferrets, and genetic defects that are passed on during
the breeding process, and not letting people purchase the ferrets until
they've read the info.  But you know what, the bottom line is that the
pet stores are a business, and money is the motivator, not education the
public.  I can't even count how many times I have gone into the petco
down the street from me, just to hold the ferrets so they can have some
human socialization and touch, and people ask questions, and I answer
them because the staff don't have a clue.  But according to the staff,
the ferret club in my area comes around and socializes the ferrets.  Well
if this is true, then why aren't the staff members able to give customers
answers to their questions?  Why don't I ever see any free information
sheets out for info about ferrets?  The ferret club isn't making an
effort, and the business isn't going to on their own.
RRRRRGGGGGGGHHH.  Ok, I'm finished venting for now.
The magnificient seven fuzzies (Frankie, Charlie, Julia, Cailin, Sammy,
Oliver, and Roxie)
and their cat (Toby) and dog (Wolfie)
[Posted in FML issue 4884]