Had a great day on thurs/fri/sat - my presentation did pretty well I
think-disaster preparedness of all things....had a horrible time with
my room key on saturday night - it took 4 trips and 45 minutes so that I
could change my outfit and put on jeans/sneaks instead of the skirt/heels
I had on...
I got into the elevator with some others (I was on 7th floor) and they
all got out in various places...one got out on the 5th floor leaving me
alone in the elevator - all I know from this point is that I turned and
apparently snapped a stress fracture in my right leg.  Yup..I broke both
bones in my right leg about 3" above my ankle.  I was rescued by one of
the ferretonin guys (he got off at the wrong floor and had recalled the
elevator - I can't imagine how he had to have felt when the elevator
doors open and he found me writhing in pain on the floor)...He called the
front desk and stayed with me until I was checked into the hospital...
thank you Joe!  I missed my flight and if not for the wonderful actions
of a lot of people , I would have been in a real mess.Thank you to Lynn
Toole and Gail Elsey for getting some leeway in rebooking my flight (I
think someone else was helping as well but the memory is pretty foggy
based on the IV Dilaudid).  Thank you Frances Stoterau and Bob Church
for staying with me at the hospital when I would have otherwise been
alone...Thank you Kris for helping Frances pack my stuff and Frances
thank you for taking care of the hotel bill..thank you (I think) Renee
Downs for the lovely flowers...Kim Schilling for caring and calling to
check in on me, as well as making arrangements to keep me visited at the
hospital..and anyone and everyone that assisted in any way...like i said,
the dilaudid is pretty effective in wiping out memory...if I missed your
name, I am so sorry.
Lemme tell ya, it hurts like a bitch.  I apparently had an unknown stress
fracture in my right leg - thought it was shin splints and when I turned
just the 'right' way(NOT!) it created a spiral fracture in my fib/tib.
It also splintered in a significant manner and I believe I have both a
plate and pin in my right leg.  Dunno how big the scar is either...
I don't know yet how I'm getting home - arrangements for the flight have
yet to be made (waiting to find out when I can be released), the car I
drove to the airport is a stick shift...and how I'm going to get up 3
flights of stairs much less with my bags is another issue - the ferrets
are another...I guess we will see when that bridge is ready to be
crossed.  I'm already over this...
Lisa Leidig,
Head Ferret Shelter Wench in good standing
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Posted in FML issue 4866]