Who needs store-bought items?
At Christmas-time, I volunteered for Big Brothers/Big Sisters, who wrap
presents at the mall to raise funds for their wonderful organization.
Each time a roll of wrapping paper was emptied, they'd put it aside for
me so I could pick it up during my next shift.  These are NOT small
diameter tubes.  They are about 5-6 inches in diameter, making it easy
for my girls to frolic in and out of them.  I now have about 12 of them
on the floor and on the bed in their room and they LOVE 'em.  Onyx hides
her Marshall Fleece Ball (she VERY possessive over her Marshall Ball) in
them so the other girls have to search all over to find it.  Sometimes we
cut holes in the tubes so they can pop their heads out to see who might
be chasing them.  Although the tubes are not see-through, it's hilarious
to watch Pearly waiting on the side of the tube to pounce on Fattie as
she comes out the end of the tube.  If you throw a crinkly ball in the
mix, it's even funnier.  Pearl does her war dance on Fattie!
Another idea for free ferret fun is to get a heavy duty plastic shopping
bag.  The ones I got from Express and Macy's seem to be the most crinkly
and a favorite amongst my girls (They have expensive taste).  Sometimes I
just walk into Macy's and ask for a bag (without purchasing anything!).
I throw them on the floor with a tube coming out of them... It's
hysterical!!  Hours and hours of free ferret fun!
Love to all the fuzzies and their wonderful parents (and Shelter Moms and
Owned by 3 fuzzy thieves... Jewels (aka Fattie), Pearl, and Onyx (the
spokesferret) and Mandy, the rescue dog
[Posted in FML issue 4882]